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Berlin in lights2000

The Diaries of Count Harry Kessler, 1918-1937

by Harry Graf Kessler

"Count Harry Kessler (1868-1937), the son of a German banker and an Irish beauty, was a diplomat and publisher who moved easily between the worlds of art, politics, and society. He lived in Berlin, but traveled throughout Europe, always with a keen eye to the political climate of the times. Kessler's work as a publisher of rare limited-edition art books brought him in contact with the great artists of his era.

His work as a diplomat and his canny timing ensured his presence at the world-changing political events of the day. He recorded in his diaries the world that he witnessed.".

"Kessler's diaries encompass an extraordinary variety of people: Einstein engaging him in long discussions on his theories, Josephine Baker dancing naked in a friend's drawing room, Lloyd George at the farcical...

— from OpenLibrary
1 edition at OpenLibrary
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