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Isaac Asimov's Adventures of Science Fiction1980

(The Adventures of Science Fiction, Vol. 3)

by Isaac Asimov

Editorial: Escape to Reality? - essay by Isaac Asimov Hellhole - short story by David Gerrold The Last Defender of Camelot - novelette by Roger Zelazny Bystander - short story by Alan Dean Foster Captive of the Centaurianess - novelette by Poul Anderson Longshot - short story by Jack C. Haldeman, II The Jaren - novella by Barry B. Longyear [as by Frederick Longbeard] The Magician's Apprentice - novelette by Barry B. Longyear How It Happened - short story by Isaac Asimov Through Time and Space with Ferdinand Feghoot !! - short fiction by Reginald Bretnor [as by Grendel Briarton] Ghosts - short story by Keith Minnion The Test Tube - poem by Ray Russell Keepersmith - novelette by Randall Garrett and Vicki Ann Heydron

— from OpenLibrary
5 editions at OpenLibrary
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