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Machines That Think1984

the best science fiction stories about robots and computers

by Isaac Asimov

Moxon's Master - short story by Ambrose Bierce The Lost Machine - novelette by John Wyndham Rex - short story by Harl Vincent Robbie - short story by Isaac Asimov (variant of Strange Playfellow 1940) Farewell to the Master - novelette by Harry Bates Robot's Return - short story by Robert Moore Williams (variant of Robots Return) Though Dreamers Die - novelette by Lester del Rey Fulfillment - novelette by A. E. van Vogt Runaround - novelette by Isaac Asimov I Have No Mouth, and I Must Scream - short story by Harlan Ellison (some editions) The Evitable Conflict - novelette by Isaac Asimov A Logic Named Joe - short story by Murray Leinster Sam Hall - novelette by Poul Anderson I Made You - short story by Walter M. Miller, Jr. [as by Walter M. Miller] Triggerman - short story by...

— from OpenLibrary
8 editions at OpenLibrary
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