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Festival Romanistica. Contribuciones lingüísticas ? Contributions linguistiques ? Contributi linguistici ? Contribuições linguísticasInfinity

by Gunnel Engwall

Festival Romanisticais an edited volume with 19 contributions written in four Romance languages: French, Italian, Portuguese and Spanish. The volume represents the whole range of research areas in Romance Linguistics today at the University of Stockholm: semantics, syntax, pragmatics, discourse analysis, diachronic linguistics, translation studies and second language acquisition and use. Five of the articles are written by renowned scholars from five European universities. The authors of the remaining 14 contributions are doctors and supervisors belonging to the National Doctoral Program in Romance Languages (FoRom). By virtue of its wide scope and the high quality of its contributions, this volume is of interest for, and will find a natural audience among, researchers of all Romance...

— from OpenLibrary
1 edition at OpenLibrary
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