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Wissenschafterinnen in und aus Österreich2002

by Brigitta Keintzel

In the present bio - bibliographic collection the life and work of female scientists, working in Austria or being originally from Austria, have been the center of research. The temporal focus extends primarily from the turn of the century to the post-war period. The first generation of female scientists at the Universities of Vienna, Graz and Innsbruck were explored. The first generation of women who achieved a habilitation in Austria, as well as the first female lecturers and professors were collected in their completeness. Those "classical" science careers can be compared with those of men.

However, a detailed consideration was also given to the non- academic area. From a total of 331 lexicon articles about one-third is dedicated to the medical, psychological and therapeutic field....

— from OpenLibrary
1 edition at OpenLibrary
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