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What do we mean by local?2012

grass roots journalism - its death and rebirth

by John Mair

Such a book is long overdue. There are about eleven hundred local newspapers in the United Kingdom but, with a few excellent exceptions, little has been written about them and little attention has been paid to them - until now! SIR RAY TINDLE Like the autumn leaves, local papers are falling off the media trees in the USA and now in the UK. Circulations are plummeting, along with revenues and staff numbers. But is all doom and gloom? Will the Internet be the saviour of local journalism - through hyperlocal blogs and digital distribution tools - rather than its executioner? In this unique 'hackademic' volume, journalists and media academics examine this pressing issue from all angles at a crucial time. Edited by John Mair of Coventry University, Ian Reeves of the University of Kent Centre...

— from OpenLibrary
1 edition at OpenLibrary
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