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Histórias da sexualidade2017

by Adriano Pedrosa

Curated by Adriano Pedrosa, Lilia Schwarcz, Camila Bechelany and Pablo León de la Barra, the collective exhibition brings a comprehensive and diverse account of the artistic productions dealing with sexuality, showing works by 60 artists that have permeated the history of art, including Brazilian contemporary artists like Aleta Valente, Ayrson Heráclito, Erika Verzutti, Lyz Parayzo, Rafael RG, and Virgínia de Medeiros. "Stories of sexuality" investigates the sexuality in its most varied expressions, like sex itself, as corporeality, or as pleasure, guilt, and in politics. Participating artists include: Adir Sodré, Adriana Varejão, Alair Gomes, Albino Braz, Aleta Valente, Alexandre da Cunha, Alice Neel, Almandrade, Álvaro Barrios, Ana Mendieta, Anita Malfatti, Anna Bella Geiger, Autorias...

— from OpenLibrary
2 editions at OpenLibrary
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