The Dream Endures1996
California enters the 1940s
by Kevin Starr
What we now call "the good life" first appeared in California during the 1930s. In The Dream Endures, Kevin Starr shows how the good life prospered in California - in pursuits such as film, fiction, leisure, and architecture - and helped to define American culture and society then and for years to come.
The 1930s were the heyday of the Hollywood studios, and Starr brilliantly captures Hollywood films and the society that surrounded the studios.
Starr offers an astute discussion of the European refugees who arrived in Hollywood during the period: prominent European film actors and artists and the creative refugees who were drawn to Hollywood and Southern California in these years - Igor Stravinsky, Arnold Schoenberg, Man Ray, Bertolt Brecht, Christopher Isherwood, Aldous Huxley, Thomas...