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The tin drum1959

(Die Blechtrommel)

by Günter Grass

Die Blechtrommel ist ein Roman von Günter Grass. Er erschien 1959 als Auftakt der Danziger Trilogie und gehört zu den meistgelesenen Romanen der deutschen Nachkriegsliteratur. Der Roman lässt sich als historischer Roman, Zeitroman, Schelmenroman und Entwicklungsroman charakterisieren.

Set against the backcloth of National Socialism, [this novel] is told in the first person by the central figure, Oskar Matzerath, tracing Oskar's history, beginning with his grandparents, and finishing at his thirtieth birthday (1954). Oskar is a dwarf, whose passion is his tin drum, which exercises some of the power of the Pied Piper's pipe, and he possesses a voice which is capable of breaking glass of all kinds at considerable range. The magic of Oskar's voice is matched by his...

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