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The Science Fiction Hall of Fame1973

(Science Fiction Hall of Fame -- Volume Two B)

Volume IIB

by Ben Bova

The Martian Way - novelette by Isaac Asimov Earthman, Come Home - novelette by James Blish Rogue Moon - novella by Algis Budrys The Spectre General - novella by Theodore R. Cogswell (variant of The Specter General) [as by Theodore Cogswell] The Machine Stops - novelette by E. M. Forster The Midas Plague - novella by Frederik Pohl The Witches of Karres - novelette by James H. Schmitz E for Effort - novelette by T. L. Sherred In Hiding - novelette by Wilmar H. Shiras The Big Front Yard - novella by Clifford D. Simak The Moon Moth - novelette by Jack Vance

— from OpenLibrary
11 editions at OpenLibrary
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