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Chasing the Dead2006

a novel

by Joe Schreiber

"You have a very lovely little girl," breathed the voice on the phone. And just like that, Susan Young is drawn into a living nightmare.A stranger has kidnapped Sue's daughter, Veda. But he doesn't want her money, only her suffering--and he will kill Veda if Sue doesn't follow his every command. With detailed instructions, the faceless abductor leads Sue into a blinding snowstorm on the longest night of the year, to a place she has not traveled to since childhood. The voice on the other end of the line somehow knows Sue's deepest, most chilling secret--an ominous incident from her past, buried long ago...Across the loneliest back roads of Massachusetts, in the black expanse of a New England winter, Sue is forced to confront her most awful fears as she is met at each step by ever increasing...

— from OpenLibrary
7 editions at OpenLibrary
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